Monday, August 8, 2011

August 8, 2011 No Cell Phone

[In response to waiting for West Point application] Man, this West Point business is annoying, they need to get their acts together those slackers.  I don´t know if I want to go to West Point anymore, seems to me they´ve all gotten fat and lazy.  Maybe Anapolis is higher caliber now, geeze luiz.  Anyway, I don´t even know how I´m going to get any of this stuff done down here, so it will literally be a miracle if I get back there.  Yes my new companion finally came, his name is Elder Bravo and is from Santiago Chile.  yeah, otro Chileno.  But it´s fun helping him learn English.  Making those weird vowel sounds is fun to practice like cat, bid, myth, dude... que divertido.  He likes to play sports and studied for a year at a very good culinary art school for cooking, so we´ll see what kind of stuff I can learn from him.  So now I am in my area all the time, however the Lord has decided to test my patience yet still because the office Elders forgot to send my cell phone with my companion when he came down and I´m not sure when they´re going to send it.  In other words no one can contact us hardly ever and we have to pass by all the members to organize visits and lunches, which is good because it gets us working with the members more but still makes it hard to organize anything with the District.  Other than that I´m doing good, Elder Amasio taught me the Haka and we had fun playing soccer again this week.  We also found a family who the dad went to church for the first time this last week since 35 years and his wife was reading in the Book of Mormon the other day and told us that just after starting she was filled with so much emotion that she had to go to the bathroom, and she´s not one to cry either.  We also taught her 15 year old son and he seemed to have interest too because he noted a difference in his mom.  It truly is incredible the change the Gospel can have in someone´s life if they just take the time to really read the Book of Mormon with an open heart. 

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